SKRÅLLAN: 20/6 Kval 3, pga premulmangel. Ellers en god kritikk.
KAIZA: 20/6 BIR, Good type, cor tar the ayes, nice head. camp. body, sometimes move typ. good tail set but the tail is too close.
Dommer: Annemaria Tarjan.
SKRÅLLAN: 21/6 kval 1 – konk 2 med HP.18 months VG size lenth of body G head express Enongh long neck corr topline tailset VG angul Should move more typical Coeld be butter inn front movem G cootgudl.
Dommer: Tino Pehar
KAIZA: 21/6 BIR, 4,5 mnd sort tispe, fine prop, tørt hode men noe lette lepper, fine øyne g.vinklet foran bak lette fine bev. g.kryss hale babypels g.gemytt lovende valp.
Dommer: Anne Indergaard.